Search Results
Introduction to using Shark - Presented by Reyonld Xin - UC Berkeley AmpLab 2013
Structured Data with Hive and Shark - Reynold Xin
Introduction to GraphX - Presented by Joseph Gonzalez, Reynold Xin - UC Berkeley AmpLab 2013
Introduction to Tachyon - Presented by Haoyuan Li - UC Berkeley Amplab 2013
Introduction to using BlinkDB - Presented by : Sameer Agarwal - UC Berkeley AmpLab 2013
Introduction to using Spark Streaming - Presented by Tathagata Das - UC Berkeley AmpLab 2013
AmpLab Tachyon and Shark update
Introduction to using MLbase - Presented by Ameet Talwalkar & Evan Sparks - UC Berkeley Amplab 2013
Spark - Shark - Hadoop Presentation at the Univ. of Colo. Denver April 23, 2013 Part 1
Intro to Big Data, the AMPLab, and the Berkeley Data Analytics Stack - UC Berkeley AmpLab 2013
User Case Study Talks - Ooyala - Evan Chan - UC Berkeley AmpLab 2013
Introduction to Shark 3.0